Today a dear friend and colleague asked me if I would pray for her and her family.
I felt deeply touched.
My friend is deeply devoted and has a very strong and rich prayer practice. Yet something stirred within her to reach out and ask for my prayer.
I was humbled and honored by her asking and of course, I offered to join with her in prayer.
After hearing from my friend, I felt inspired to reach out to each of you and extend that same invitation. But instead of me praying for someone or something, I feel a call to offer myself as your prayer partner.
What is a prayer partner?
For me, being a prayer partner is about joining in Love and allowing a safe, sacred space for everything that seems to be blocking Love to come into awareness so it can be released. In this joining, we strengthen our resolve to join with the plan of the Spirit (the divine inner wisdom) instead of the ego’s plan which is based on fear. We together find that soft, sweet space where we become like little children asking for help with whatever challenge we face. We lift our hearts in gratitude to the Spirit that knows all our needs, worries, and desire. Yet just by joining in prayer, we can feel this Presence somehow in a more concrete way. We can listen to that small still voice and feel reassured as well as have practical inner guidance as to how move forward in a practical way.
What would this look like?
We would meet via zoom or phone for about 20 – 30 minutes and payment is on donation basis.
How do I reach out to set up a time?
Just email me here or you can connect with me on Facebook messenger.
Day#6 Coronavirus zoom healing group session
Today I shared about forgiveness and a story about awakening from a dream of guilt into an experience of innocence from my book, Physician, Heal Thyself: A Doctor’s Journey from Medicine to Miracles (A mindful approach to healing based on teachings of A Course in Miracles).
The Bollywood song/movie referenced can be viewed here.
We explored true forgiveness that comes from a space where we can see innocence in ourselves and our brothers and sisters. This vision of forgiveness is key to healing and so very needed at this time when we need to come together so we can heal.
Here is our audio recording for today.
Here is our meditation for today.
We will continue to go deeper into this topic in the coming days.
Zoom group details
Please join tomorrow at 11am EST via zoom if you feel inspired!
Time: Every day at 11am to 12:30PM EST
You can join via this link:
Meeting ID: 843 333 4653
(If you prefer to join via phone, please email me, and I can send you more details how you can do that.)
At this point, we will join for the next 15 days daily and today was Day #6.
These sessions will be recorded. If you cannot attend, but if you have a specific question, please email at seema@coachingforinnerpeace.
How to support this work with your donation and sharing with others
These sessions and recordings are offered freely and if you feel inspired to donate to this important healing mission, please donate here. Your donation freely given is so appreciated and supports me to continue to spread this message of hope, healing, and comfort. For those of you who have donated, thank you so much! Your donation is the energy of love that continues to nurture this healing work.
Also, please share this email and post on social media as you feel inspired so we can grow the circle of those who feel willing to use this very challenging time as a powerful substrate to fuel healing, regeneration, renewal and miracles on micro and macro levels.