Coaching For Inner Peace

It has been rightly said that if you lose your wealth, you lose but little. If you lose your health, you lose something. But if you have lost peace of mind, you have lost everything!

A Course in Miracles teaches that health is inner peace.

In my personal life experience as well as in my work with clients and families for more than 20 years since graduating from medical school, I firmly believe that the greatest insurance and assurance we have with respect to our health and well-being is our inner peace- which cannot be purchased or guaranteed by any healthcare policy. J

After having studying conventional as well as complementary medicine, and practiced integrative medicine for past ten years, I have come to an amazing conclusion:

What matters is not what therapy we chose but more how we make that choice.

Do we come from a place of authentic peace and empowerment or are we choosing out of fear?

I believe that by giving our attention to cultivating inner peace and making that our priority, the rest of our lives seem to fall into place with greater and greater ease.

Coaching for Inner Peace is a process whereby I act as a temporary guide to assist you in shifting your attention from the externals of your situation to what is happening in your mind with respect to your emotions, beliefs, and thoughts.  It is a gentle inward journey so that you can find the place of authentic peace and power within you and let that be the place from where you live your life.

My passion is to empower clients so they can reach their innate potential for love, joy and harmony. I love to draw from my medical and scientific background, as well as my extensive exploration and practice of Western and Eastern spiritual traditions to help each of my clients experience the inner peace that is there beneath the everyday chatter of our minds.

Inner peace is not an accidental destination we stumble upon. Rather we all need mind training to feel peace on a consistent basis and having a temporary guide is priceless. Like we need a coach to learn a sport, or any other new activity, Coaching for Inner Peace is a way to support your journey to peace and wholeness.

Once my clients become consistently rooted in this place of peace, they find themselves becoming more intuitive. They feel more and more comfortable following ideas and hunches and trusting in that small still voice.  They no longer feel alone because they have made a lasting connection with their Inner Guide. This connection like the hub of a wheel radiates outwards and transforms all aspects of their lives. I have seen this time and time again and each time I feel blessed and honored to be part of my clients’ journey of healing and wholeness.

Please contact me to set up a free 15 minute introductory appointment to answer any other questions you may have!



What do the sessions look like and how long do they last?

Sessions usually last about an hour or so and can occur via phone, skype or in person based on your preference. For local clients, sessions can look like meeting for tea or taking a walk together by the canal. For clients at a distance, phone or skype seem to work just as effectively. The key is that you feel safe and comfortable so that deep healing can happen in the setting that works for you.

Tools used include honest sharing and expression, meditation, prayer, imagery and visualization, writing and drawing exercises, music, and movies.

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Is there any scientific background to support these sessions to be included as part of my healthcare?

From the field of quantum mechanics, we are learning that the observer cannot be separated from that which is being observed. Similary, whether we realize it or not, our percepetions, emotions, thoughts and beliefs exert a powerful effect on our experience of life. There is extensive scientific literature which shows that the mind has a powerful effect on the body. When I work with clients, I draw from my personal clinical experience as well as research on the placebo effect, neuroplasticity, mind body medicine, and quantum physics.

Whenever we encounter a problem with our health or experience any form of pain or suffering, many of us often feel that we are helpless.  We feel we are at the mercy of external forces beyond our control.  But from scientific and spiritual perspectives, this is simply not true.  We are powerful beings and we can exercise choice of mind always even if we do not have a choice of external events. In fact, the only choice we truly have is a choice to change our mind and it is here we find our place of authentic empowerment.

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What sort of problems can be addressed by these sessions?

They can be useful to shift your relationship to any physical health issues including any type of chronic illness, or chronic pain as well as mental health issues including depression and anxiety.  In addition, these sessions are helpful in negotiating life changes including divorce, loss and bereavement as well as discovering one’s life purpose, parenting with awareness and having successful, vibrant and loving relationships with oneself, family and friends.

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What sort of clients have you worked with? Do you work with children and adolescents?

I have worked with a wide range of individuals including business executives, engineers, stay-home mothers, health care professionals, holistic practitioners, teachers, principals, individuals facing chronic and terminal illness as well as those experiencing death and loss of family members as well as school age children, adolescents and college students.

My talent lies that not only do I have a very rich background in science, medicine, holistic medicine and world spiritual wisdom traditions, but I aspire to build a bridge with each of my clients so that they feel comfortable, safe, loved, respected and understood.  I love to see my clients’ eyes light up when find tools that work for them and ways to understand how their mind works based on their everyday experience.


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How many sessions are needed?

This will vary with each person and also the nature of the problem. There is no formula. Some may need to meet weekly for a period of time and others may need to just meet monthly. My experience is that in time most of my clients are able to transfer the principles they learn during our sessions to their life and become more and more reliant on their own inner wisdom- which is the ultimate aim of this process.

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Are there homework assignments between sessions?

Yes! To have a successful outcome, I will be asking you to do some exercises at home. Yet I always try to work with that which would be most practical and appropriate for you. Some benefit more from writing while others can use movies and music as a fast track to allow feelings and emotions to be released.

I do not believe that the process of coaching need be ‘hard’ nor do I believe in the philosophy of ‘no pain, no gain.’ What is helpful is consistency and commitment to the process of healing and then finding tools that work best for each client. My clients are active learners so usually the homework assignments unfold organically from our sessions.

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What is the cost of the sessions?

Cost is dependent on the frequency of coaching you desire. Generally, I work with clients over an extended period of time usually 3 months or more. This is because I believe any lasting change- regardless of the area you are seeking help in- happens over time and there are no quick fixes.

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Are these sessions covered by health insurance?

These sessions are coaching sessions so you need to consult with your health insurance. I cannot submit payments for you so you will need to be responsible to take care of payment yourself at the end of each session.

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Do I still need to continue seeing my medical and/or mental health provider? Do I still need to continue taking my medications?

The answer to both questions is yes! These sessions do not take the place of your work with your medical or mental health provider. While I will draw from my background and training in Western and complementary medicine, I am not acting in the capacity of a medical doctor or a mental health specialist.

This is not a process for you to use the mind instead of taking medications to heal. In my experience with my own healing process and working with many other clients, when we are in chronic pain or have a chronic illness, it may take some time for the mind to unwind from our concepts and ideas.  There is a deep conditioning process that has occurred over time. The best outcomes happen when we continue whatever treatments we are doing and in time as the mind heals, what is not necessary in the form of medications or other therapies will drop away gradually.  But once again, you will need to work with your primary care mental and/or medical health provider for all medication management. This would also apply to any herbs, botanical or nutritional supplements you are taking.

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Do I need to have a background in A Course in Miracles or other meditation or mindfulness practice? Will I also have to practice A Course in Miracles ?

No. Not at all. We begin where we are and I love working with beginners!

I use A Course In Miracles because it was helpful to me and it can help many others but it may not be the path for you. These sessions are not about having a belief in any religion or any particular path. Rather they are created so that the wisdom and light that is already inside you can guide you along whatever challenge you are facing.

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