What happens for you when you see the words Coronavirus and miracles together? Does it feel that they cannot go together?
Perhaps, the mind sees images of the body suffering, dying, and death when we think of Covid19 while miracles seem to be the realm of light and maybe even supernatural or not part of our ordinary experience.
Perhaps it appears that Coronavirus and miracles are like oil and water which simply cannot mix.
And what is magic in this whole framework?
For today’s session, I felt inspired to start with a video where master ACIM teacher David Hoffmeister goes deep into the topic of medicine, surgery, and magic and our fear of miracles and healing.
Jason is one of David’s students whom we meet in the video. Jason has devoted his life to the practical application of ACIM, and he is experiencing chronic pain. Surgery is planned but the mind is not at peace with this decision. Watch the video to see how their joining allows for Jason to experience a powerful emotional healing where the mind can move from fear, doubt, and confusion to a place of acceptance and willingness to follow the plan of the Spirit (or Love) for healing. In the end, it is not about what means are used but rather about our purpose.
Afterwards, we had a very lively discussion about these topics. You can listen to the full unedited audio recording here.
Medicine, miracles, and magic
If you are seeking a way to understand how we can access the power of the mind while negotiating a path that may seem to involve physical and/or emotional pain, here is my book, Physician, Heal Thyself: A Doctor’s Journey from Medicine to Miracles, that dives into these topics from a perspective of a Western trained physician who also has deeply studied complementary therapies including mind body medicine as well as spiritual traditions including A Course in Miracles.
Here is what a reader shared about my book on Amazon:
“Finally, a clear and simple way to understand the placebo effect, spontaneous remission, and miracle healing. Her own experience with pain and the healing journeys of her friends, patients, and family members, this physician brings a remarkable quest for answers to light in an incredibly easy to read and engaging story. She uses her own life and the questions she had around medicine and healing along with vivid examples from movies to show how “Miracle Mindedness” works. This is a truly blessed blend of The Course In Miracles, Western and Eastern medicine, and holistic health practices.” – Sandy Evenson, Personal Empowerment Coach, Rochester, NY
You can read a free preview of my book here with option to purchase kindle or paperback.
Zoom group details
Please join tomorrow at 11am EST via zoom if you feel inspired!
We will continue to go deeper into these profound topics that truly help us face our fears and worries about Coronavirus with support, love, and inner wisdom.
Time: 11am to 12:30PM EST
You can join via this link: https://zoom.us/j/8433334653
Meeting ID: 843 333 4653
(If you prefer to join via phone, please email me, and I can send you more details how you can do that.)
We will meet daily this week (Tuesday/Wed/Thurs/Friday).
If you cannot attend, these sessions will be recorded.
How to support this work with your donation and sharing with others
These sessions and recordings are offered freely and if you feel inspired to donate to this important healing mission, please donate here. Your donation freely given is so appreciated and supports me to continue to spread this message of hope, healing, and comfort. For those of you who have donated, thank you so much! Your donation is the energy of love that continues to nurture this healing work.
Also, please share this email and post on social media as you feel inspired so we can grow the circle of those who feel willing to use this very challenging time as a powerful substrate to fuel healing, regeneration, renewal and miracles on micro and macro levels.