ACIM Study Group January 12 2016
It is amazing the ideas that flow forward when a group of two or more join.
Our common intention was for a clarity of vison so we may hear the Voice of the Inner Teacher!
Here are some of the helpful ideas that emerged:
- The mind is like a labyrinth and we need a Teacher who can see the whole to guide us
- The mind is like a house in disarray that needs to decluttered so we may sink below the false ego chatter and find the Real Thoughts we think with God
- How a practice of meditation and ACIM can complement each other
- How we need to be like a child again and be willing to learn and be taught by the Inner Teacher
- How we can learn to watch our thoughts without believing we are these thoughts
- The vision of ACIM is beyond good and bad and taking us to a place where we can experience peace and love regardless of external situations
- The most important thing is to practice regularly but with a sense of ease and not fight ourselves or the ego mind
- The Inner Teacher is in charge and we can sit back and enjoy the ride!
Take a listen to hear the full recording: