This holiday season instead of decorating our Christmas tree I felt inspired to have a nativity scene.
Something about the baby Jesus in the nativity scene really spoke to me. It was another confirmation of the insights I had been receiving throughout these past several months while reading about Mary Magdalene and doing angel card readings. I kept being shown to go more and more inward and not seek love, joy, and peace outside me.
The baby reminded me of my core innocence and seeing through my innocence to the innocence of others. Seeing through the eyes of my holiness so that I could truly perceive the space of holiness in others. Seeing beyond the actions of the body, the words spoken, even beyond the deeper thoughts and beliefs which gave rise to the words and deeds. Beyond all this until I could glimpse the wholeness within everything and everyone. Because that is what is true. The rest is false.
It doesn’t mean not remedying an illness with a medication, or speaking a kind word to someone in distress, or offering money to someone in need. It has nothing to do with any doing but it does have everything to do with being.
Where is my attention?
What is my desire? What do I want to see?
What do I want to experience?
For this is what I will receive.
As I gazed upon this naked baby, lying defenseless, with arms wide open, completely trusting to be cared for in every way, I felt a gentle reassurance soothe my troubled heart.
It is safe to love. It is safe to follow your joy.
It is safe to trust that you and your loved ones are carried along with the river of grace that takes care of everyone.
May this spirit of Christmas fill your heart with a quiet joy, a warm comfort, a deep peace, and a knowing that you are never, ever alone.