Before we can follow the voice of our intuition, what we must first do is take the time to stop and listen.
Often we move through life in a very programmed manner. There is a certain order to our day. Tasks to accomplish. Places to go. People to meet. Yet intuition is like a fresh breath of air that takes us out of our habitual mode so we take a pause- even if for a split second.
In that pause we connect to the deepest wisdom within us which sees the whole of whatever situation or problem seems to confront us. With the voice of intuition, there is no force or compulsion to do anything yet there is a sense of peace. The small still voice within each of us is like the eye of the storm, the bottom of the ocean- where there is calm, quiet and a sense of safety and security despite how our external circumstances may appear. Just in the slowing down and connecting with our intuitive self, we feel comforted. We feel connected. We feel cared for. We are no longer alone
Listen to this video where I share some more thoughts about intuition- our gateway to a more peaceful life!