Race to Nowhere
2009 ‧ Documentary ‧ 1h 25m Directed by Vicki Abeles and Jessica Congdon
Available on YouTube, Google Play, Amazon and iTunes
As a parent, pediatrician, and coach, I am so happy to share this movie!
The film documents how the prevailing culture that places more and more value on external achivement is starting to impact the children in our society as they are asked to do more and learn more at younger and younger ages. The pressure to do homework, take honors and AP classes, participate in athletics and extracurricular activities is creating a host of stress-related illnesses including increasing levels of anxiety and depression amongst younger and younger children.
It would be easy to place blame on colleges or schools or society but we can use this movie to expose our own beliefs and values surrounding achievement, success and competition. The movie is an invitation to look at these ideas and find another way where teachers, parents, students, educators and school administrators come together to create innovative educational models that foster happiness, inspiration and motivation in our kids.
Children come into the world eager to learn, curious and full of joy and imagination. Let’s create school systems that support this!
Watch video below as I share how we can use this movie for our own healing as well.